6 Best Practices for Digital Signage Success
Editor's Note: This blogpost was first published in March 2022, and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
There’s more to digital transformation than simply putting up screens.
As more and more and more businesses are going online, brick and mortar stores are faced with the challenge to stay competitive in today’s digitally-inclined market.
Digital transformation is the universally accepted answer. We’ve seen it augment the value of physical stores through the newest technologies. That is why we see so many huge digital displays in malls, restaurants, and other high foot traffic places.
However, putting up a screen is not enough. You need a robust intelligent content strategy. Armed with experience in helping enterprise customers excel in digital transformation, we’ve gathered our best practices in creating digital signage content.
1. Less is more
Too much of anything isn’t good for your displays. The aim is for your message to be grasped at a glance. Whatever you add to your content should enhance your message, and not overpower it.

Use 1 or 2 font types only. Sans serif keeps text legible, especially for digital use. You can use styling to add impact to your messages. Hierarchy keeps the most important info at the top. Say it with big bold letters, but be careful not to overdo it.
Keeping it short and sweet is key, so write short copies that capture messages succinctly. Following the 3x5 rule is important in displaying text. Use only 3 lines with 5 words or 5 lines with 3 words to keep it clear and easily readable.

Most designers use 3 three colours that play a role in making content stand out. Using the 60-30-10 rule, assign primary, secondary and accent colours that you want to see on your displays.

Visuals are a powerful element in effective digital signage content. Content with images are 43% more persuasive, so it’s important to use it wisely. Choose only quality images that best enhance your message.
Make good use of design compositions such as the Z Layout, Rule of Thirds, and Golden Ratio to keep elements in the best real estate within your screen.

2. Move it
According to a study by Intel, animated content gets 5 times more views than static content. Plus, it engages the audience longer! Animate your content with simple transitions or even complex motions, as long is it helps your message stand out.
But be conscious of readability. Too many moving elements can distract your audience from what you are trying to say.
3. Serve it fresh
Outdated content makes your screens irrelevant. Today’s audience is constantly hungry for information, so be sure to keep your displays fresh with the latest news, weather updates, foreign exchange rates, schedules or social feeds.
Dynamic content helps you do this without manually updating your data every time you publish.
4. Spread the brand love
To make your content stand out even more, seal it with your brand. Don’t be shy and take the bold first step to making yourself remembered.
Reflect your personality in all the elements – your brand’s typeface, imagery, tone of voice, or overall style — to make displays recognisable, reliable, and most importantly, you.
5. Make them do
Your content must invite your viewers to take action. Make your messages impactful – whether it’s a sale, event, or product promotion, or other types of message.
Tell your audience to do something. Make them discover, think, laugh, share. Make them remember.
6. A/B testing
Last, but definitely not the least, it is important to A/B test your content, so you know what the audience likes, what works, and what doesn’t. But how can you measure viewer metrics of digital signage?
Easy! You can now measure your digital signage viewership (glance, view and view-through) using vision AI. With AI, you can also gather anonymous data on your audience, such as age, gender, sentiment and exposure time to content.
This article is an instalment of our Intelligent Content series, where we take a deep dive into what makes a successful content strategy that engages and delights.